SEXPRESSO - Fresh roasted coffee with cinnamon and turmeric

Passion is the spice of life. Cinnamon and turmeric is spice and coffee is passion. Enrich your shared moments as a couple, not only with great coffee, but also take full advantage of its aphrodisiac effects.





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The brain decides which chemicals are released into the blood and which substances will control the fate of cells in the body. ❤️

‍Aphrodisiac stimulants can help awaken passion and desire, enhance intimate experience and spice up a love relationship.

It is no coincidence that the word Aphrodisiac was derived from the name of the Greek goddess of love, fertility and beauty - Aphrodite. Natural aphrodisiacs cinnamon, turmeric and roses have long been used during sexual rituals. Almost everyone uses cinnamon in their kitchen. Cinnamon has many benefits for your health - from weight loss support, immune system stimulation, cough relief, digestion support, effects against parasites, viruses, inflammation and many others. The ancient Chinese used cinnamon to treat many ailments, but we remember it for its ability to stimulate sexual expressions, passion and desire.

However, be careful when using it, in the case of inhaling at a higher intensity, it can irritate the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.


Coffee contains  freshly roasted coffee, cinnamon, turmeric, tribullus.

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